The Mission of Impactor World is to Recognize, Aggregate and Increase contributions in Impact Finance.
Impactor World Empowers and Connects to make valuable, efficient and accountable contributions to society. Creating impact requires access to funds, knowledge and resources. This helps shaping one’s goals and ultimately provides status and recognition that allows replication and scale.
Impactor World supports entrepreneurship through innovations and scale up to become investment ready and mobilize public/private capital. The instruments we help structure are de-risking solutions (e.g. first/second loss capital, guarantees) result-based solutions (impact incentives, carbon credits schemes) and financing (debt, equity and blended finance solutions).
As Head of ING Impact Finance, I proved that even for a commercial bank a solid financial as well as social return could be made from investing in impactful ventures for the base of the pyramid. In this role, I established a business line investing in Financial Institutions creating access to financial services to 1 million entrepreneurs, provided financial literacy training to 25,000 women and organized jobs for Syrian refugees in Turkey. Reporting on impact is equally important, we issued 7 reports presented at 5 related international conferences that ING organized for the sector.
With Impactor World, I want to increase impact investing to eliminate poverty and exclusion through access to descent work and economic growth (SDG 8). Impactor World will work on dedicated Public-Private Partnerships (SDG 17) to allow bridging the gap between investors and e.g. grant providers, family offices and social entrepreneurs.