We reach out to public institutions, corporates and civil organisations across the world who share our mission: making society truly Inclusive by creating solid Partnerships based on one’s Purpose.
For our clients’ projects and strategies to succeed, we Empower and Connect our network to accelerate access to funds, knowledge and resources. With a proven track record in impact finance, clients can tap into our vast international network.
The main focus is to eliminate poverty and exclusion through access to descent work and economic growth (SDG 8), and by shaping dedicated Public-Private Partnerships (SDG 17). We’re bridging the gap between investors and e.g., grant providers, family offices and social entrepreneurs. With this approach, Impactor World is able to raise capital and boost inclusive change.
Born in a developing country, in a family that was hardly able to feed five children, Roy learned what poverty means. At the age of 11, his parents managed to move to the Netherlands. As he says himself:
“I was lucky to escape poverty. And through education and hard work, I am where I am today, but I could never have succeeded without support from those willing to share their knowledge, network and wealth. I am now fortunate to share what I have to offer with those who lack the resources but have the ambition to realize their dreams.”